Weiße Scheinwerfer Page 3 | Luminesy

Weiße Scheinwerfer

Beleuchten Sie mit Reinheit: Die Raffinesse unserer weißen Strahlerkollektion

Wir stellen Ihnen unsere weiße Strahler-Kollektion vor, in der die makellose Ausstrahlung von Weiß nahtlos mit der Präzision des Strahlerdesigns verschmilzt. Diese Leuchten, die eine klare und moderne Ästhetik ausstrahlen, sind für diejenigen gedacht, die Präzision in der Beleuchtung suchen, ergänzt durch die zeitlose Gelassenheit von Weiß.

Strahler sind seit langem für ihre Fähigkeit bekannt, einen fokussierten Lichtstrahl zu erzeugen, der bestimmte Eigenschaften oder Objekte hervorhebt. In der Farbe Weiß wird diese Funktion mit einer frischen, zeitgemäßen Anmut gepaart. Der weiße Farbton, der für Klarheit und Einfachheit steht, schafft einen ruhigen Hintergrund, der es den beleuchteten Objekten ermöglicht, wirklich zu faszinieren, und sich gleichzeitig nahtlos in eine Vielzahl von Dekoren einfügt.

Wenn Sie unser vielfältiges Angebot durchstöbern, werden Sie auf ein Spektrum von Designs stoßen, die den unterschiedlichsten Geschmacksrichtungen gerecht werden. Von hochmodernen, eleganten Armaturen, die den heutigen Designtrends entsprechen, bis hin zu klassischeren Designs mit sanften Kurven und Details - das durchgängige Thema ist die ruhige Eleganz von Weiß. Ganz gleich, ob Sie eine geschätzte Skulptur hervorheben, architektonische Nuancen betonen oder eine bestimmte Stimmung erzeugen möchten, unsere Kollektion bietet einen weißen Strahler, der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmt ist.

    VINTAGE C1419 - Wandleuchte


    Ferroluce Vintage C1419 Wall Light: Retro Ceramic Sconce Immerse your spaces in the fusion of mid-century modern and industrial design with the Ferroluce Vintage C1419 Wall Light. This sconce delivers...

    COLORS C1630 - Wandleuchte


    Ferroluce Colors C1630 Wall Light: Colorful Ceramic Sconce Infuse your space with the vibrancy of colored ceramics and the timeless allure of antique brass with the Ferroluce Colors C1630 Wall...

    VINTAGE C1418 - Wandleuchte


    Ferroluce Vintage C1418 Wall Light: Retro Ceramic Sconce Immerse your spaces in the fusion of mid-century modern and industrial design with the Ferroluce Vintage C1418 Wall Light. This sconce delivers...

    MILANO C1117 - Wandleuchte


    Antique Flavour Meets Modern Sophistication in Ferroluce Milano C1117 Wall Light Exuding a "hand-painted charm," the Ferroluce Milano C1117 Wall Light effortlessly melds the allure of rustic countryside with urban...

    VENUS - Wandleuchte


    a-emotional light Venus Wall Light - A tribute to the Xacobeo PF1 interiorismo's Venus is a new wall lamp from a-emotional light that draws inspiration from Botticelli's "The Birth of...

    TATI G - Wandleuchte

    €505,00 €590,00

    a-emotional light Tati G Wall Light - From peaks and valleys The a-emotional light Tati G, a wall light designed by Arturo Alvarez, is characterized by its organic texture made...

    TATI P - Wandleuchte

    €385,00 €500,00

    a-emotional light Tati P Wall Light - From peaks and valleys The a-emotional light Tati, a wall light designed by Arturo Alvarez, is characterized by its organic texture made of...

    TATI - Wandleuchte

    €295,00 €465,00

    a-emotional light Tati Wall Light - From peaks and valleys The a-emotional light Tati, a wall light designed by Arturo Alvarez, is characterized by its organic texture made of hand-painted...

    PLANUM P - Decken-/Wandleuchte


    a-emotional light Planum P Ceiling / Wall Light - Authentic skies of light Arturo Álvarez's Planum P is a handmade wall lamp that serves as an excellent lighting solution for...

    PLANUM - Decken-/Wandleuchte


    a-emotional light Planum Ceiling / Wall Light - Authentic skies of light Arturo Álvarez's Planum is a handmade wall lamp that serves as an excellent lighting solution for covering large...

    ONN G - Wandleuchte


    a-emotional light Onn G Wall Light - One of a kind warmth The Onn collection from a-emotional light, designed by Arturo Alvarez, is a series of handmade lamps made from...

    ONN - Decken-/Wandleuchte

    €560,00 €675,00

    a-emotional light Onn Ceiling / Wall Light - One of a kind warmth The Onn collection from a-emotional light, designed by Arturo Alvarez, is a series of handmade lamps made...

    NEVO - Wandleuchte

    €525,00 €605,00

    a-emotional light Nevo Wall Light - One of a kind warmth The Nevo sconce, part of the eponymous a-emotional light collection by Arturo Alvarez, showcases the remarkable flexibility of painted...

    NEVO P - Wandleuchte

    €385,00 €505,00

    a-emotional light Nevo P Wall Light - One of a kind warmth The a-emotional light Nevo P Wall Light, part of the eponymous a-emotional light collection by Arturo Alvarez, showcases...

    MYTILUS - Wandleuchte


    a-emotional light Mytilus Wall light - A lamp with an important meaning. The a-emotional light Mytilus wall lamp, from the collection of the same name designed by Arturo Alvarez, is...

    KITE G - Decken-/Wandleuchte


    a-emotional light Kite G Ceiling / Wall Light - Carrying light The Kite collection, designed by Arturo Álvarez, features luminaires with curved planes that give the illusion of being carried...

    KITE - Decken-/Wandleuchte


    a-emotional light Kite Ceiling / Wall Light - Carrying light The Kite collection, designed by Arturo Álvarez, features luminaires with curved planes that give the illusion of being carried by...

    KALA - Wandleuchte

    €290,00 €455,00

    a-emotional light KALA Wall Light - A snapshot of dunes Handmade from painted stainless steel mesh, the a-emotional light Kala is a delicate wall lamp designed by Arturo Álvarez. Its...

    CURVAS - Wandleuchte


    a-emotional light Curvas Wall Light - Timeless reinterpretation. The a-emotional light Curvas Wall Light by Arturo Alvarez is a timeless design classic of the brand. With its glass construction, it...

    GEA - Wandleuchte

    €295,00 €455,00

    a-emotional light GEA Wall Light - Distinction guaranteed. The a-emotional light Gea Wall Light, designed by Arturo Alvarez and named after the goddess of earth, is a beautiful and elegant...

    CORS - Wandleuchte

    €295,00 €455,00

    a-emotional light Cors Wall Light - A sophisticated light charged with feminine energy A-emotional light draws constant inspiration from the feminine figure, which is evident in their products. One such...

    BLUM - Wandleuchte


    a-emotional light Blum Wall Light - Simple materials with a complex execution The a-emotional light Blum Wall Light was made when Arturo Álvarez introduced steel thread in his material collection...

    BALLET - Wandleuchte

    €465,00 €590,00

    a-emotional light Ballet Wall Light - A dynamic experiment of dance A-emotional light Ballet Wall Light by Héctor Serrano is a result of experimentation, resulting in dynamic forms created by...

    STANT 4 - Decken-/Wandleuchte

    €4.485,00 €4.885,00

    Unleash the Power of Minimalism with the Karman STANT 4 Ceiling / Wall Light - Elevate Your Space with Subtle Elegance! Inspired by the Italian verb "stare" - a nod...

    R111 UP - Deckenstrahler

    €562,00 €825,00

    This downlighter exists in different varieties. Besides the high quality finishing, the major visual aspects of these models are the rounded corners. By using rounded corners these models look much...

    MINI-PI 3 UP - Deckenstrahler

    €960,00 €1.000,00

    Thanks to the compact size of LED Trizo21 was able to develop a smaller version of the Pin-In and Pin-up series. This results in a very compact but decorative LED-spotlight....

    CONE - Wandleuchte


    Vitrified translucent porcelain wall lamp. Available in texturized matte white, with copper fittings. A soft glow around it, and direct light below.

    ZERO 102 - Wandleuchte

    €625,00 €845,00

    Panzeri Zero 102 Wall Light - A monolithic metal lamp The Zero 102 wall or ceiling lamp by Panzeri has a metallic casing and warmwhite, embedded LEDs. It is a...

    ZERO 52 - Wandleuchte

    €425,00 €575,00

    Panzeri Zero 52 Wall Light - A monolithic metal lamp The Zero 52 wall or ceiling lamp by Panzeri has a metallic casing and warmwhite, embedded LEDs. It is a...

    ZERO ROUND - Wandleuchte

    €500,00 €655,00

    Panzeri Zero Round Wall Light - A monolithic metal lamp The small Zero Round wall light from Panzeri enchants with a simple shape which is especially slender and elegant thanks...

    TUBINO - Wandleuchte

    €355,00 €465,00

    Minimalist spot light for wall and ceiling, ideal above bedside tables. ThePanzeri Tubino LED light by Matteo Thun. Lacquered aluminium body, steerable direct light.

    JACKIE SPOT - Wandleuchte

    €330,00 €395,00

    Panzeri Jackie Spot Wall Light- A simply modern light Adjustable spot light for the wall with an integrated step dimmer: the wall lamp Jackie Wall Spot by Panzeri is made...

    SLIM (D430 mm) - Deckenleuchte

    €350,00 €370,00

    Slim and simple LED lamp, which is perfect for minor spaces. Available with motion sensor.

    SLIM (D360 mm) - Deckenleuchte

    €275,00 €282,00

    Slim and simple LED lamp, which is perfect for minor spaces. Available with motion sensor.

    SLIM (D280 mm) - Deckenleuchte

    €219,00 €225,00

    Slim and simple LED lamp, which is perfect for minor spaces. Available with motion sensor.

    MOON C600 - Deckenleuchte


    Available in four different sizes, with the small and medium ideal for being used in the home, acting as a tranquil bed-side light or hall ceiling light, and the larger...

    MOON C450 - Deckenleuchte


    Available in four different sizes, with the small and medium ideal for being used in the home, acting as a tranquil bed-side light or hall ceiling light, and the larger...

    MOON C260 - Deckenleuchte


    Available in four different sizes, with the small and medium ideal for being used in the home, acting as a tranquil bed-side light or hall ceiling light, and the larger...

    MOON C160 - Deckenleuchte


    Available in four different sizes, with the small and medium ideal for being used in the home, acting as a tranquil bed-side light or hall ceiling light, and the larger...

    EASY BRACCIO W2100 - Deckenleuchte


    Illuminate with Precision: Antidark's Easy Braccio W2100 Ceiling Light Introducing the Easy Braccio W2100 Ceiling Light from Antidark—a sophisticated lighting solution designed to bring both style and functionality to your...

    Über Weiße Scheinwerfer

    In Bezug auf Funktionalität und Langlebigkeit ist die Kollektion weißer Strahler herausragend. Jeder Strahler wird sorgfältig hergestellt, um einen scharfen, gleichmäßigen Lichtstrahl zu liefern, während die weiße Oberfläche ein dauerhaftes, makelloses Aussehen gewährleistet.

    Tauchen Sie ein in die leuchtende Welt unserer weißen Strahler-Kollektion. Schmücken Sie Ihre Räume mit Leuchten, die nicht nur genau definieren, sondern auch einen Hauch von ruhiger Raffinesse ausstrahlen. Erleben Sie die Verbindung von klarer Beleuchtung und der zeitlosen Anmut von Weiß, die dafür sorgt, dass jedes hervorgehobene Merkmal in reine Eleganz und Klarheit getaucht wird. Strahler mit Raffinesse und Schlichtheit.

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